Home for All

    Community Members

An alliance fighting to end youth homelessness

Home for All is an alliance of 22 partners across sectors who have joined forces to end youth homelessness in Denmark. The alliance develops and tests new ways of tackling homelessness and provides important knowledge and resources in the field. At the same time, they work politically to remove the barriers that stand in the way of solving the problem.

A broken curve

In VIVE's latest homelessness census from September 2022, 5,800 people were registered as homeless. Of these, approximately 30% were between 18 and 29 years old.

That counts about 1,600 young people with hopes and dreams for the future. But unlike most others, they often find themselves alone, with major defeats in their backpack and nowhere to go.

In ten years, homelessness among young people increased by 72 per cent, but thanks to a systematic and holistic approach to homelessness efforts, homelessness is finally falling.

"The municipalities that have succeeded in significantly reducing homelessness are those that have focused on linking housing and adequate social support."

- Kira West, Director
5 young people with experience of homelessness meeting the Minister of Social Affairs

New reform on homelessness

In October 2023, a new reform on homelessness came into force in Denmark. A crucial reform for Home for All. Among other things, it involves a reorganisation of the entire financial rationale for the country's homelessness efforts. It will also ensure that people experiencing homelessness have access to housing and support in their own homes.

From good intentions to real-life transformations

In the coming years, the alliance will focus its efforts on realising the national ambition at a local level in collaboration with municipalities, housing organisations and local civil society organisations.


Contact person

Christina Lokmann Iversen

Communications and Project Consultant
