Danish Social Innovation Academy

    Community Members

Mobilising collective action and engaging broadly in societal development

The Danish Social Innovation Academy is a community of leaders across the public and private sector, foundations, and civil society. Together they want to create lasting social change.

Through collective action, the Academy innovates to overcome complex societal challenges. Those no one can solve alone.

Together, the Academy asks difficult questions and share their knowledge to break positions and expand horizons. They do this through annual labs and ongoing networking events. And they are present where the conversation about the society we want flourishes. For example, at Roskilde Festival, Folkemødet and several local initiatives.

The Academy is Denmark's national competence center for social innovation and as such is part of an EU-wide network.

All this inspiration and drive is passed on when the Academy's approx. 100 academy graduates push for change in their own companies and organizations, engage decision-makers and set new societal agendas. This is how they drive collective ambition.

Creating new pathways for young people into the communities of society

Since 2021, the Academy has been working with 'En Vej til Alle': A change agenda that creates pathways for all young people into the founding communities of society. Here, the Academy has acted as a catalyst and been the driving force in mobilizing crucial actors to create the many changes that young people have pointed out the need for.

Since the end of 2022, the Academy has been working to explore, define and mobilize for a new big change agenda: Mobilization for Welfare. Together with their fellow academics, they will develop the next chapters of the welfare society and recreate the narrative of welfare in light of the challenges we face as a society today. This includes demographic development, labor shortages and our many extra years of life.


Contact person

Anders Folmer Buhelt

